The 10 Questions

You could first answer these 10 questions as purely an intellectual exercise, finding the answers in words that make sense. If you do that, I recommend you answer them a second time using mature free choice, the next layer of maturity of choice after mastering the skill of using individual free choice.

Mature free choice is keeping your power of choice inside your physical body, putting all existing beliefs in your thinking aside while you are using it, and solely studying your present experiences to discover the fact the universe operates as an indivisible whole. This is maturing into giving priority to mature free choice to identify the facts you will use to guide your thinking.

Here are the 10 questions from the Sensation of Oneness book:

First, has your physical body been breathing since it came out of its mother’s womb?
The obvious answer is yes.

Second, did it sit up and choose to breathe?
Obviously not. It was not able to do that then.

Third, would you then agree it has been naturally and effortlessly breathing since it came out of your mother’s womb?
I think you will agree the obvious answer is yes.
Let’s now find out who or what is doing its breathing. 

Fourth, if we took its lungs out of it and put them on a nearby table, would it be able to breathe?
Obviously not.

Fifth, would you then agree its lungs need to be in it and your physical body needs to be healthy enough to breathe for it to be breathing?
The obvious answer is yes.

Sixth, if the air is not always around it, would it be able to breathe?
The obvious answer is no.

Seventh, if the Earth did not have the atmosphere it has, if it had the atmosphere of Jupiter or Mars, would your physical body be able to breathe?
The obvious answer is no.

Eighth, if the Earth was not in the relationship it is in with the universe that allows it to have its atmosphere, if it was in the relationship of Jupiter, Mars, or Venus, would your physical body be able to breathe?
Obviously not.

Ninth, if all those things were not always doing what they are doing and always in cooperation with each other—its lungs being in its physical body, its physical body being healthy enough to breathe, the air always being around it, the Earth having the atmosphere it has, and the Earth being in its relationship with the universe, would it be able to breathe?
Obviously not.

Tenth, do you now agree the universe operates as an indivisible whole and, therefore, it is us, the indivisible universe, that is naturally and effortlessly doing its breathing?
I think you will agree, the obvious answer is yes.

This is not primarily a belief in words in your thinking. This is the most fundamental fact in physics.

And, as you will see when you read the book, you are able to primarily experience it in your physical body as the always present sensation of oneness and only secondly value it as the accurate inside belief in words in your thinking of how the universe, operates.

If you used mature free choice to answer the above 10 questions, you know each time you answer them in the future you will personally discover the same most fundamental fact in physics: the universe operates as an indivisible whole (the Holographic Theory, now the most popular theory in fundamental physics).. That means we are each first it that will not die and secondly our physical body that will die. Secondly, we now know the skill of human self-consciousness is a skill, not a biological mutation thousands of years ago. Therefore, like learning to ride a bicycle, there are layers of maturity of smaller skills that can only be learned in the natural sequence because each smaller skill builds on each previous smaller skill we learned. They can accumulate and integrate into the one full skill of mature human self-consciousness.

Like we learned each of the smaller skills of the first five layers of maturity of the skill of human self-consciousness, humanity will now be mastering the last two layers of maturity of this skill: maturation, the fundamental process in nature, cannot be escaped or stopped. However, they can only be mastered when one has used mature free choice to answer the above 10 questions to discover it is obvious the universe operates as an indivisible whole. They can at any time confirm it is a fact by using mature free choice to again answer the 10 questions. It is the use of mature free choice when answering them that results into one permanently maturing into operating on the fact the universe operates as one thing, an divisible whole: they then can’t ever fool themselves into thinking they do not know this fact.