Agreements Not Wars
I can feel it in my bones. I suspect you can also. It is the time in history for the people on Earth to speak with one voice: we want agreements not wars.
It is time to end the killing of children, women, and men as part of resolving our differences. We have put slavery, the horse and buggy, outhouses, rotary phones, and typewriters in the history books. It is time for war to join them.
All wars begin and end in agreements. Look at the relationship between Germany and the rest of Europe today. Look at the relationship between Japan, the U.S., and the rest of the world today. All the lives lost, and cities destroyed during the two world wars would not have occurred if the agreements they are all operating on now could have been forged and the war part skipped.
Holographic Theory
In the very last words, a transcript of which are just below, of the January 2019 PBS Nova Program entitled Einstein’s Quantum Riddle, the narrator has this conversation with Dr. Robbert Dijkgraaf from the Institute of Advanced Study and another physicist named Sean Carroll. In a convoluted way, they conclude “time and space are not real.” In everyday language this is stated as “the assumption of separate parts is not real.” They refer to this as the “Holographic Theory.” Today, 2022, it is the most popular theory in fundamental physics. Here is a transcript of the last words of the video where this is stated and where some of it is cut off on the YouTube link above.